Object storage

Stackmate offers infrastructure deployment for object storage services (like AWS S3 for example)

What you get when introducing this service to your configuration

  • As many object storage buckets you've specified in your configuration with versioning, encryption or public access configured

Required attributes

  • type - string - It should be set to objectstore

  • buckets - array - a list of objects with the following attributes:

    • name - string, required - the bucket's name

    • versioning - boolean, optional - whether to enable versioning for objects, false by default

    • encrypted - boolean, optional - whether objects are encrypted in the bucket, false by default

    • publicRead - boolean, optional - whether the objects are publicly available for reading, false by default

The typical Common Service Options apply here too.

Accessing the bucket

Please read the following if you plan to grant programmatic access to your buckets

Stackmate creates a user in your cloud that is able to access and manage objects in the newly created bucket and a policy is assigned to it. The user does not have any credentials assigned to it, so you should log in through your console and create them yourself.

Example configuration

# ... the rest of the configuration ...
    # ... more services ...
      type: objectstore
        - name: my-super-bucket
          versioning: true
        - name: my-other-awesome-bucket
          encrypted: true

Last updated

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